Information for entrepreneurs

Product- and brand piracy - often preceded by industrial espionage - has developed into one of the most serious forms of white collar crime. Alone in 2013 European customs officials seized almost 36 million IP infringing goods with an estimated value of 760 million EURO at the EU borders and took them out from circulation. About 79% of products seized had their origin in China and Hong Kong. Among the top ten countries of origin were also the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and diverse Eastern European countries.


Also on internet dubious vendors can create a lot of mischief. Partly, they deceive gullible consumers with supposedly brand-name websites and original product photos, they hide in the anonymity of notorious online sales platforms, well-known for counterfeits.


To best secure the company data and know-how against theft, the entrepreneur has to coordinate legal, organisational and technical measures.

Here you will find detailed information about IPR intellectual property rights.

Support concerning IPR in China can be found here:

China IPR Helpdesk of the EU